* 30-12-1999 † 11-10-2011

Fogel Hlara Alexandra - Lexy

Stamboom naam: Fogel Hlara ALEXANDRA

Roepnaam: Lexy

Helaas hebben we op 11 oktober 2011 afscheid moeten nemen van onze geliefde Lexy. Ik noemde haar altijd “Sexy Lexy”.

Zoals waarschijnlijk bij iedere hondenbezitter van meerdere honden is er één de favoriet. Bij mij was dat Lexy, de kampioen die me geleerd heeft bij de top te horen.

We zouden willen dat we een kennel vol Lexie’s hadden maar het valt niet mee om deze kwaliteit te benaderen.

Lexy was Nederlands Veteranen Kampioen 2008!

Darling Lexy

I could write a long epitaph for my beautiful dog but we were at the Championships in May this year, just for fun, and the judges comments say it all:

“Lovely old lady. Beautiful head and expression. Soft and gentle look. Although she is an old lady she still has positive straight movement. She must have been a stunner in her younger days. Just a grand old lady.”

Lexy has been the most wonderful dog, she welcomes everybody, helps with puppy duties and up until now has never been sick or sorry.

I am grateful that her fatal illness has been short and I can bury her with the dignity that she so rightly deserves.

Farewell my darling Lexy and you will never be forgotten.



stamboom Lexy
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KISS OF JOY v/d Peppelenbosch